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Condumax CLS12 is a robust conductivity sensor for steam/water cycles in power plants.

Analog conductivity sensor
Condumax CLS12

Conductive conductivity sensor for high temperature applications in the power & energy industry

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from CHF ??.-

Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    k=0.01: 0 to 20 µS/cm
    k= 0.1: 0 to 200 µS/cm

  • Process temperature

    -30 to 160 °C (-22 to 320 °F)

  • Process pressure

    Max. 40 bar up to 100 °C (max. 580 psi up to 212 °F) without CLA 751 flow chamber
    Max. 12 bar up to 150 °C (max. 174 psi up to 302 °F) with CLA 751 flow chamber

Domeniu de aplicare

Condumax CLS12 is a robust conductivity sensor for steam/water cycles in power plants. It is optimized for low conductivities (even under high temperatures and pressures) to protect your processes from deposits and corrosion. Low maintenance and simple to commission (large connection compartment), this is the ideal sensor for tough environments.

Condumax CLS12 measures conductivity in the steam/water cycle in the power & energy industry:

  • Condensate monitoring

  • Boiler feedwater monitoring

  • Boiler blowdown control

The sensor can be used in all low conductivity applications with high temperatures and pressures.

With its international explosion protection approvals, such as ATEX and FM, the sensor is suitable for hazardous area use.


  • Reliable and accurate measuring values at low conductivities

  • Optimized for high pressures and temperatures up to 160°C (320°F)

  • Easy cleaning thanks to stainless steel body and removable outer electrode

  • Robust design for high durability

  • Quality certificate stating the individual cell constant

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  • Produse simple

  • Ușor de ales, instalat și administrat

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  • Produse clasice

  • Fiabile, robuste și ușor de întreținut

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  • Produse de specialitate

  • Conceput pentru aplicatii solicitante

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